Couples Counselling

Couples Counselling Counselling in Primrose

Young Couples pointing fingers at each other

Couples Counselling

Relationships can be extremely complex when love is entwined with conflict, disappointment, or cheating. This is difficult to overcome, but it is possible when working with me.

Individual Sessions are strongly advised for high conflict relationships and excessive discontent, because joint sessions have a low success rate in restoring stability and calm.

Joint Sessions on the other hand, are perfect for overall relationship wellness since we cover a wide variety of topics assisting in improved communication, developing a stronger emotional connection, and dealing with trust-related difficulties.


Recommendations from the general public as to why wellness counselling is beneficial.



After we got married, we ran into difficulties where we wanted to give up. Coming for counselling helped us overcome those problems and now we are in a better place. We are still working on it.....



I enjoyed the counselling session better than what I thought I would. I’m not a fan to see a counsellor, but we were fighting lots and it was getting worse. We will fight over small things, but I think it has to do....



Love the service and follow ups. It was inspiring to know older people can give us young people such valuable insight into living a better life. Our relationship seemed to drift apart, but we have learnt a few basic ....

Couples Counselling

Jacques Du Plessis, an ASCHP-registered professional holistic wellness counsellor specialising in wellness.

  • Client centred and humanistic
  • Empathy, non-bias and supportive (Positive Regard)
  • Non-religious and based on human science
  • Main focus: over all wellness (Holistic)
  • Location: Click Here to see physical location!

The Holistic Coulpes Wellness

Let's go over some typical issues I have discovered to give you a sense of what to anticipate during a counselling session.

Resolving Conflict

There are numerous reasons why there is tension in a Couple’s relationship, and it usually involves a chain of events. On the other side, there are a few everyday mistakes we do that can worsen the problem.

One of the important components is poor communication skills, which most of us struggle with. Learning better communication skills with me will not only lessen conflict, but also improve human interaction and connection.

Unmet emotional needs are another contributing element towards conflict. This is something we will work on together, and I will teach you how to take care of each other's emotional needs and which ones are most important to your relationship.


With Regards to emotional upheaval caused by cheating, recovery will not be easy for either way. Relationships are complex, with numerous elements to consider.

Yes, it is possible to repair a broken Couple’s relationship, and seeing both of you individually for talk therapy to manage conflict or verbally express emotional distress is a starting point. Joint session doesn’t work in this case.

Secondly, based on my experience working through cheating, it usually takes 6-12 months depending how old the relationship is before we notice anything constructive. It will be an emotional rollercoaster for a time, but perseverance pays reward.

Couple’s Wellness

Lastly, holistic Couple’s wellness doesn’t only deal with immediate problems, but also looks at your overall relationship wellness. How we achieve this is by enhancing your overall emotional intelligence. A modern way to overall wellbeing.

To achieve this, interactive learning mixed with talk therapy has proven to be quite successful for long-term marital goals. This is where we learn how to communicate more effectively, form stronger emotional attachments, and, most importantly, overcome difficulties with trust.

Finally, improving your emotional intelligence can be extremely beneficial to you, both in the short and long term.

Lastly, this is just a general overview of what to anticipate from a marriage counselling session with me.