Angry Person

LGBTQ Wellness

ASCHP Holistic Wellness is ideal for our LGBTQ+ community. The objective is to contribute to our quality of life in order to find self-acceptance, inner strength and the be a productive individual.

How do we do this? Holistic talk therapy is good for alleviating emotional distress in the short-term which is a health coping mechanism for managing negative feelings and thoughts. On the other hand, consider it short-term.

Enhancing our Emotional Intelligence which resides in the four pillars of EI can greatly enhance our ability to navigate life, cope with emotional stress, better communication and relationship management.


Recommendations from the general public as to why wellness counselling is beneficial.



I have been a nervous person since childhood and when I started my career it got worse. I decided I need to see a counsellor to help me manage those feelings. I learnt allot ....


de Swart

I’m a victim of violent crime and almost lost my life. My friend encouraged me to come for counselling and I am glad for it. I am feeling much better now and feels like I’m getting my life back one piece at a tim....



Love the service and follow ups. It was inspiring to know older people can give us young people such valuable insight into living a better life. Our relationship seemed to drift apart, but we have learnt a few basic ....

LGBTQ+ Counselling

Jacques Du Plessis, an ASCHP-registered professional holistic wellness counsellor specialising in Emotional Wellness.

  • Client centred and humanistic
  • Empathy, non-bias and supportive (Positive Regard)
  • Non-Religious based counselling
  • Holistic: referenced to the seven pillars of wellness
  • Location: Click Here to see physical location!

LGBTQ+ community & Holistic Wellness

Here are a few insights about holistic wellbeing. Emotional intelligence and Tak Therapy.

Talk Therapy

Talk therapy involves much more than simply telling me how you feel or about any other concerns. Talk therapy in my perspective is an advanced skill that I use for casual conversation therapy. Talk therapy has a wide range of purposes.

Given the variety of theories for talk therapy, one is globally favoured known as CBT. The goal is to focus on how we think and how our thoughts influence our moods and actions. By addressing how we think about things may help us feel better.

In as much as I am familiar with theories, I can use those that apply to holistic wellness counselling and use creativity of out-of-the-box thinking to help you feel better or assist with managing unhelpful thoughts, unpleasant feelings, or undesirable behaviour that can result from suppressed emotions.

Emotional Intelligence

It has been stated that our IQ (Intelligence Quotient) accounts for 20% of our overall intelligence, while the remaining 80% represents a spectrum of different types of intelligence, called EQ (Emotional Quotient).

Now, our IQ in theory isn’t something we can improve on, but our EQ which is the remainder 80% can be taught and developed. In theory when we develop that powerful 80% potential it can lead to a more productive and fulfilled life.

The four pillars of emotional intelligence are self-awareness, self-management, improved social skills, and more fulfilling relationships. In theory, as you learn new skills and enhance them, you have the possibility to fulfil your entire potential.

Overall Wellbeing

My counselling style is consistent with the ASCHP mandate and objective of delivering more than just counselling but also enhancing people's quality of life. We achieve this by using the wellness wheel as a starting point.

There are seven essential keys contributing to a well-balanced and healthy living and they are: bodily, emotional, our minds, how we interpret life, the influence of others in our lives, our social life, and working life.

Based on the assumption that they work together, the question is, how can we reach overall wellness? This is when we come back to the 80% of our EQ. It is teachable, so I will assist you in achieving this goal through interactive learning, one by one or in small groups.

Lastly, this is just a general overview of what to anticipate for a counselling session with me.